Reverse your
Graves Disease and heal your thyroid

Everything you need to know to heal your thyroid in 12 weeks

A complete diet and natural treatment plan

Over 70 recommendations to get fast relief from symptoms

Based on real evidence and research, not quackery

Money back guarantee


Hello, Stacey! Hope you're doing well. I have completed the 12 weeks remission program successfully. After 3 months, now my levels are in the normal range. After 3 years this is such a huge leap for me. I just can't express through words how happy and relieved my entire family and I feel. Thank you so much for writing this book. You've inspired me and helped me find a clear way out of this mess. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Amy, Sydney, Australia

Thank you so much for creating this guide. It has changed my life, I was diagnosed with Graves six months ago, and thought i would be on medicines for the rest of my life. I was smart enough to get your guide and follow it religiously. Today I got my lab results back and my hormone levels are back to normal. I cannot thank you enough. Also, your recipes are delicious!

Jolene, San Francisco, USA

Wanted to share good news with you. I have been off meds since December. My latest test for antibodies didn’t find any – I am now in remission. I am a Doctor and your program has completely changed how I treat my patients. Thanks a million.

Sean, New Jersey, USA

Graves Disease can be reversed


Graves Disease is caused by your out-of-control immune system. Not your Thyroid. It is the innocent victim.

Your immune system is mistakenly producing antibodies that attack and overstimulate your Thyroid.

Causing it to produce ever increasing quantities of hormones.

If you are unlucky these antibodies also attack your eyes, and you get Graves Eye Disease too.

Getting your Thyroid hormones under control is super important.

But you have to calm your out-of-control immune system to reverse Graves Disease.

And stop the potential of Graves Eye Disease.



Stopping Graves Disease requires calming your immune system. And calming your immune system requires six steps:

1. Fixing your gut health

2. Sorting your sleep

3. Getting the right amount of physical activity

4. Addressing vitamin and nutrient deficiencies

5. Removing toxins from your environment

6. De-stressing

These steps are not quackery or pseudo-science.

They are the learnings from hundreds of medical science research papers, case studies and trials on Graves Disease and autoimmunity.

Sourced from PubMed, the world's biggest collection of biomedical and life sciences literature. Maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine.


The gut is inextricably linked to autoimmunity (circa 60% of the immune system ‘lives’ in the gut).

Poor gut health is implicated in every autoimmune disease studied, including Graves Disease.

You may have read about foods to avoid and foods to eat. These are important.

But making a diet changes like dropping gluten isn’t going to cut it.

You need to go through a full gut health reset to repair gut wall integrity and restore your microbiome.

For example, here is a study published by the Frontiers of Molecular Bioscience in 2022.

It confirms the correlation between gut health and Graves Disease.

And suggests gut microbiome imbalance may be the reason for the development of Graves Disease.



Poor sleep is a frequent feature of autoimmunity and Graves Disease

Consistent and sustained focus on restoring proper sleep patterns is required

For example, here is a study from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Jacksonville, Florida in 2021.

It finds that there is a clinical overlap between Graves disease and sleep disorders.


When the immune system is in overdrive, too much exercise is just as bad as not enough.

Five sessions of HIIT training a week is not going get your stressed immune system back on track

But sitting down all week-long won't either.

For example, here is a study from European researchers in 2011.

It suggests an exercise program may normalise the thyroid profile of Graves patients.

And reduce the need for Anti-Thyroid medication in the long term.


There are endless studies linking vitamin, nutrient and mineral deficiencies to Graves.

The optimal levels are usually much higher than the recommended daily intakes.

Vitamin D, B12, Iron, Selenium, Magnesium and Zinc are some of the big ones.

Do not supplement until your levels have been tested.

For example, here is a study from Harvard Medical School, published in 2022.

In this study, Vitamin D supplementation reduced auto-immune disease incidence by 22%.


There are many endocrine disrupting toxins linked to Graves Disease.

You need to minimise your exposure to these toxins.

The pollutants in your home, product you put on your body, and the water you drink do have a huge impact.

For example, here is a case report on someone who healed Graves Disease through lifestyle changes.

These included reducing everyday environmental toxins.

Published in the Advances Medical journal in 2019.


The research is unequivocal: stress is a key player in the development of Graves Disease.

There is story after story of Graves diagnosis after an acute stressful event.

You have to reduce and manage stress.

For example, here is a meta analysis published in the BMC Endocrine Disorders journal in 2023.

It confirms stress is a trigger for Graves Disease and recommends stress management activity.


You now know what the last 30 years of medical science research says is the best way to reverse Graves Disease.

What the body of evidence says you should do to go into remission from Graves Disease.

These steps have worked for me, and hundreds of others.

Hi – I’m Stacey – when had Graves Disease, I could not face the options offered to me.

Destruction of my Thyroid.

A life on pills and permanent Hypothyroidism.

An out-of-control immune system that would do who-knows-what next.

I devoted my life to finding a better solution.

There is one, and now I no longer have Graves Disease.

I have written a guide (a downloadable eBook) that puts the above into practice in a step-by-step way.

Over 4,000 people have purchased my guide in the past 4 years.

Over 800 of these people have let me know that they used my guide to go into remission from their Graves Disease.

Graves Disease can be beaten, and health can be recovered.

But you have to take action.

The Fighting Graves eBook is a step by step guide for reversing Graves Disease naturally.

It is a 12 weeks program.

It takes you through the exact steps required in a clear and and easy-to-follow way.

Including full meal plans and all recipes.

Getting the guide is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Buy using your preferred payment method. Guaranteed safe and secure, including a full money back guarantee.

2. The eBook is emailed to you instantly.

3. It comes in a PDF format which can be opened on any smartphone, laptop, or PC. No special software or readers are required.


Can I stay on my medication whilst completing the guide?

Yes. You can and should stay on any medication prescribed by your doctor.

What happens if I dont like the guide?

Email me within 14 days for a full refund. Note: about 1 in every 100 people who buy ask for a refund.

Can I get the guide in hard copy?

No, just the eBook. It comes in standard A4 print format, is 156 pages long and is printable.


I devoted my life to finding a way to reverse my Graves Disease.

I was successful, and got my health back.

I created Fighting Graves so other Graves sufferers could get their health back as well.

My guide has helped people from all over America, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the rest of the world reverse their Graves Disease.

You can drop me a note at I usually reply within 24 hours.

Sending best wishes for your health,
